not much of anything...
Published on March 9, 2005 By BlueSpider_FL In Community
I'm not a skinner but am faithful to the wincustomize crew here... I really like all your works and am sure I've a desktop by each of you at some time or another My son really likes Godzilla, anyone know of a Godzilla theme?
on Mar 09, 2005
Know of one, it was here for a very short time, it was called "Atomic Lizard" I think it was pulled due to copyright issues.
There is a great cursor pack tho, it was meant to go with the skin..Link
Thats about the best I can suggest as far as Window Blinds stuff.
I do know where there is a great desktop theme of Godzilla, if you want the web address just Email me, My email is in my profile.

on Mar 09, 2005
Actually, after checking the site for the theme I mentioned I have discovered that it has been pulled due to incompatability issues with windowsXP...Soooo...Sorry BlueSpider_FL, I have no other suggestions.

on Mar 09, 2005
Hey, the cursor pack is cool anyway! Thanks Zero, I appreciate it!
